oh well, i am back, there are somethings to take care of and my computer wasn't working for almost a month, i replaced my hard disk, so its working now because of my brand new hard drive. Three weeks ago i went partying with friends all night at Eastwood Libis "The Basement" it was my second time to go that bar, it was really crowded that night, i really didnt like it when its too crowded but they all want to go there, i am easy going so.. i can be anywhere, it was fun though.. i stayed out real late.. i got home 6 am! Had a late chat with friends.

Early this month, my car was wrecked,it wasn't my fault, i was not the one driving. My eldest sister took the car, with her friend (which i dont know who he is) -i wont trust anyone to drive the car next time- well, she tried to learn to drive but dont know what the heck she did, i didnt heard any explanation to her when she returned the car.My car was brought to the shop, took 1 week to fix,... I miss the bottleneck Manila traffic though, lovely tunes when i hear jeepneys blowing their horns and cursing from other drivers.. funny to hear them says "putang ina mo" ***mother (&c()r***, people crossing the street.
Last week, i had cleaned out the negative energy and get a new vibe going.[like my bedroom] "its time to get the energy moving and grooving again," I boxed them, to the bin, store them, just putting them away.
someone was persistent, who kept calling, but instead of being polite, someone just left their mobile phone ringing. yeah got the trick worked, finally got the message.. ?!!!

Last night,[almost everynight] been busy watching "Pinoy Big Brother" {its a reality tv series aired everyday,{ABS CBN channel 2} where 12 strangers will be staying under one roof for 100 days, a house where TV, radio, newspapers, phonelines and mobile phones are non-existent, watching their moves all day with cameras in every corner of the house.}, dont know why i liked watching it, perhaps im tired or watching scripted soap operas.
Today, i spent my whole morning with Gil, here's some part of our chat: I love this part...
GiLman: but we have to wait a little longer
GiLman: they better freaken hurry up
babevian: yes.. tel them to hurry up.. im loosing my patience.. hehe
GiLman: i have already lost mine
GiLman: i had one left going into this past week....but they are all gone now
babevian: hehehe.. but please wait for me baby...
GiLman: baby
GiLman: i dont want anyone else
GiLman: i will not accept anyone else
GiLman: you are the one for me
GiLman: it took me this long to find you
GiLman: i am not letting you go over a little waiting