I've been thinking for a nice year end thingy for my blog.. I dont want to post my new year resolutions as i am sure i will end up not
following them.. I'd rather see what fits along the way... ok then, lets get started...
Best Moments of 2005
- When Gil came over [ the moments i spent with him was real heaven, which i terribly miss! ]
- Seeing a friend whom i havent seen for a year...
- High School reunion, [ cathing up with old friends is remarkable, its when you sit down together, reminisce the past both good times
and bad times, the fun and the awkward moments and how we were like before... was fun... ]
- Spent Christmas and New Year with family.
- Island hopping in Thailand
Worst moment of 2005
- not seeing and talking to Gil for 2 days.... he spoiled me a lot... we're thousand miles away, thats so sad and worst*waaaa* but he always make time to call.
- missing my nap.. hahaha..
- annoying neighbor on their afternoon karaoke sessions.... *grrrrrr*
- got caught a few times from violating traffic rules.. *MMDA*
my Best Buys of the Year
- Seagate 40 gbytes hard disk, DVD combo for my pc, and a 500php generic webcam. [all from Gilmore, greenhills]
- used samsung computer monitor 15"
- VNC shoes and SCHU shoes
- the 50% off Folden & Hang clothes {local brand]
- book: Girlosophy [the break up survival kit] Anthea Paul
Worst Buy
- Norton Anti virus system works Platinum Edition... waaaaaa.. pirated.. hahaha... screwed up my pc.
Best Gift of 2005
- mp3 player 256MB
NEW things i Did this year
- Learning more on Macromedia flash MX. [www.actionscript.net]
- Grew my hair long to my waist. I started to get tired taking too much time rinsing and putting conditioner, combing after i shower.
- connecting and installing the hard disk i bought.. not knowing where to plug the wires *hahahaha* i got it working though... *wink*
- being bitch *hahahaha*
- blogging [rant and rave online]
Good Bye 2005, Im ready 2006!

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