Anyway, its LOVE month.... my second Valentines with my bebe together.... and last one apart. Hmmm.. what i can do this
Valentine without my baby here, hmmm im going to make a "fantasy box!" where i will write down all my fantasies in seperate pieces of paper.... fold them, put them all in a box and when im with my baby [soon], and when that steamy mood strikes........ i could pull one out.......... I love you, Gil.........

You are my bestfriend, my hero and my guardian angel.
You are my best friend, now you know the good and bad in me,
and you still there for me knowing how unreasonable i was.
You know how silent i can be, howcrazy i am.
Remember there's only one perfect coffee for us,
for you its Grande Starbucksmocha frap. for me its the smaller size.
You know my imperfection, my evil side,darkest personality, my fears
and dreams yet loves and cares just the same.
You've been so sweet, loving and caring.
I love the way you grab my hand while we walked and when
you looked at me and smiled at me i feel a gentle dance that
makes my heart flutter. I heard your loving voice i just tend to
lose all thoughts and just listento you.
I stopped believing in Prince Charming, Superman, and
Knight in shining armor.I dont need anyone of them.
You are my hero my personal guardian angel...
You stayed the same person to inspite of everything,
you know how to forgive me whether its a big or small mistake.
You are a amazing person that no matter how sad a circumtances
maybe,you will always find a way to turn it around.
I love your thoughts, your dreams, your hopes,your wishes for
the future. I see you brightly in my life showing me my path,
lifesjourney could get really dark but you were still there to guide
when i am lost, i cansee you shining into the dark.
Thanks for the sweet poem, it brighthens my day and it makes
my smile remembering each single word you wrote. i wish to
hear your laughs reach my ears again,hear your voice calling my name.
That was an old message poem for Gil.... ..........
Anyway, heres something to bitch about.... i noticed this everywhere i go... while queuing.... for that high coveted visa.... ATM machines... post office.... anywhere... where i have to queue...
Sometimes i wonder why some people take so much time pulling out money from the ATM, i was running behind... someone was withdrawing the whole bank's money.. thats what i thought.... why can she do her transaction in a minute??
And there was this guy, that line up to close, almost touching my butt! while queing in the fast food counter, i was feeling shitty and tired and hungry... i just gave him a bad look... like stay away from me look!..... and another thing that irritates me... is his loud voice while his mouth was close to my ear! AND his repulsive bacd breath........ grrrrr.... so i just queued on the other counter.... ahhhh.. LEAve me alone!
And there was this girl... on the fast food counter...... fondling and texting and showing off her hi tech mobile phone while ordering on the counter.... while the queue was long.... tsk tsk tsk....
This one i really hate.... People that smoke while there is a big sign just in front of them "NO SMOKING" and throwing there tiny cigarettes on the street.... grrr.... would you like me to drop that cigarette butt in your mouth? better huh?
Sigh....... these are just the tedious things in life, people in general..... yes, I talking strangers!.... it happens everywhere i know....
Oh, to the readers, im sorry if you think it sounds offensive... this happens... really...
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